Do you support anchor links?

Yes we do, find out more here.

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Can I turn tags off?

Yes, you can.

MyMalcolm tags
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How do I build a Workflow?

You can build a Workflow quickly via the Workflow Builder in MyMalcolm

MyMalcolm overview
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Who created Malcolm?

Malcolm! has been created from scratch by a passionate and dedicated team at Acknowledgement Ltd.

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How can I listen to JavaScript events posted from embeds?

Receive messages from Malcolm! embeds directly in your parent web page.

embeds widget
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How can I password-protect my hub with Memberstack?

Details of how to use Memberstack for end user hosted hub login here

MyMalcolm password
100% found this useful

What are featured boxes and how can I use them?

Featured boxes are part of your hosted hub theme and are very flexible

design themes
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Can I enable reCAPTCHA on my Workflows or FAQs?

Yes, we support Google reCAPTCHA, find out more here

reCAPTCHA spam
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Upgrade your content

Want to give your users a graphical run-down of how your products or services work? Malcolm! Agency Services can help

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Malcolm! is brought to you by a passionate and dedicated team - we love all things customer support related! Find out more about us here

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