How do I write a good Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)?

Some top tips for writing a good Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) include....

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What is my Hosted Hub?

Every instance of Malcolm! comes with a Hosted Hub. This is a website that we host for you. If you don't wish to use it no problem!

Can you send me a (VAT) invoice?

You can download this from MyMalcolm!

payment vat
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How do I export data from my Workflow?

You can do this anytime via MyMalcolm

export MyMalcolm
70% found this useful

How do I delete feedback on an FAQ or Workflow?

Follow these instructions to delete feedback you no longer wish to store

How can I listen to JavaScript events posted from embeds?

Receive messages from Malcolm! embeds directly in your parent web page.

embeds widget
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Malcolm! is brought to you by a passionate and dedicated team - we love all things customer support related! Find out more about us here

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