What are promos and how can I use them?

Promos are part of your hosted hub theme and are very flexible

design themes
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Can I turn off the "Email this Answer" / send by email functionality?

Yes, you can turn this off on a per FAQ or a global basis

email MyMalcolm
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Can I use two-factor (2FA) / multi-factor authentication (MFA) to secure my MyMalcolm account?

Yes, we support two-factor authentication (2FA). Follow the instructions here to do this.

2fa mfa security
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What are invisible tags and how do I use them?

Invisible tags are a useful way you can influence search results

How do I invite people to join my Instance team?

On Team or Enterprise plans you can invite additional Team members to your instance.

MyMalcolm team
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Do you support a collapsable section in content?

Yes we do, find out the syntax for this here

content hidden reveal
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Does the free trial have any restrictions?

The free trial follows the quotas for the Team plan, but we do limit file uploads.

introduction overview trial
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Where is Malcolm! hosted?

Malcolm! is currently hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) within their Europe region.

enterprise hosting
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