Do you mark content up in Schema?

Yes, we mark up content in your hosted hub with Schema. Find our more here.

What does Malcolm! cost?

We offer four types of plan and pricing.

cost payment plans
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How do I build a Workflow?

You can build a Workflow quickly via the Workflow Builder in MyMalcolm

MyMalcolm overview
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Is there a limit to the number of times a Workflow can be completed?

No - there are no restrictions on the number of times a user can complete a Workflow on any of our plans.

limits plans
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What are labels in MyMalcolm?

Labels help you organise your FAQs or Workflows in your Library.

labels MyMalcolm
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Can I turn off the "last updated" date on FAQs?

Yes you can - more info here.

datestamp MyMalcolm
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Can you give me an overview of the FAQ section of MyMalcolm?

The FAQ section is where you create and manage your FAQ content

MyMalcolm overview
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What is a Workflow?

A Workflow is a web based form that your customers complete.

MyMalcolm overview
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Want to give your users a graphical run-down of how your products or services work? Malcolm! Agency Services can help

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Malcolm! is brought to you by a passionate and dedicated team - we love all things customer support related! Find out more about us here

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